Class | Description |
OngoingDeferredQuantifiedTensorBackedOperation<S,TB extends Tensorbacked<QuantifiedValue<S>>> |
Part of the tensorcs fluent API that provides methods to describe the right hand part of binary operations that act
on expressions of tensor backed instances with quantified values.
OngoingDeferredTensorBackedOperation<V,TB extends Tensorbacked<V>> |
Part of the tensorics fluent API that provides methods to describe the right hand part of binary expressions on
tensor backed objects.
OngoingQuantifiedTensorBackedOperation<QTB extends Tensorbacked<QuantifiedValue<S>>,S> |
Part of the tensorics fluent API that provides methods to describe the right hand part of binary operations on tensor
backed instances, containing quantified values.
OngoingTensorbackedConstruction<V,TB extends Tensorbacked<V>> | |
OngoingTensorbackedFiltering<E,TB extends Tensorbacked<E>> | |
OngoingTensorBackedOperation<TB extends Tensorbacked<V>,V> |
Collects all fluent API elements for the
Tensorbacked objects. |
QuantityTensorbackedExpressionSupport<V> |
Provides starting point methods for tensoric eDSL language expressions that describe expressions of tensors of
QuantityTensorbackedSupport<V> |
Provides starting methods for tensoric eDSL expressions, which are related to tensors of quantities.
TensorbackedExpressionSupport<V> |
Provides methods to perform calculations on expressions of tensorbacked objects.
TensorbackedSupport<S> |
Part of the tensorics fluent API that provides starting point methods for eDSL clauses that deal with calculations
and manipulations of tensor backed objects.